Our Mission:

We serve all of God's people by

sharing the love of Christ and ministering to our community.

This church acknowledges as its sole head, Jesus Christ, the Son of God and

the Savior of all people. It acknowledges as brothers and sisters in Christ all who share in this Confession. It looks to the Word of God in the Scriptures, and to the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, to prosper its creative and redemptive work in the world. It claims as its own the faith of the historic Church expressed in the ancient creed and reclaimed in the basic insights of the Protestant reformers. It affirms the responsibility of the Church in each generation to make this faith its own. In accordance with the teaching of our Lord and the practice prevailing among evangelical Christians, it recognizes two sacraments: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper (Holy Communion). This faith may be expressed in the accepted Apostle’s Creed and Nicene Creed and in the “Statement of Faith” of the United Church of Christ.

We covenant one with another to seek and respond to the Word and the

Will of God. We purpose to walk together in the ways of the Lord that are revealed and will be revealed to us. We hold it to be the mission of the Church to witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ in the entire world, while worshipping God, and striving for truth, justice and peace. As did our fore bearers, we depend on the Holy Spirit to lead and empower us. We pray for the coming of the Kingdom of God, and we look toward the triumph of righteousness and eternal life.

From The Constitution and By-laws of St. John's United Church of Christ, Jonestown, Pennsylvania


We live in covenant as a congregation in the United Church of Christ.

These three principles guide our denomination.

Our faith is 2000 years old.

Our thinking is not.

We believe in God's continuing testament.  This is why we are committed to hearing God's ancient story anew and afresh in our lives and in the world today.  We try to remain attentive to God's creative movement in the world. Religion and science are not mutually exclusive, and your head and heart are both welcomed in our worship. 

Why? Because God is still speaking,

No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here.


We believe in extravagant welcome.  This is why we insist that God's communion table is open, not closed, and God's gift and claim in baptism are irrevocable.  We advocate justice for all.  We extend hospitality as a sign of God's inclusive love.  We teach that evangelism — offering bread to those in search of it — is God's mission.  Our perspective is global, not provincial.  We work with — not against — people of other faiths.  Why? Because God is still speaking,

Never place a period where

God has placed a comma.

We believe the church's mission is to change lives — individually, systemically and globally.  We work to make transformation possible, but trust in God's grace.

Why? Because God is still speaking,