Band Together at St. John's UCC
Band Together at St. John's UCC
What is Band Together?
Why strength training?
If you don’t use your muscles enough, you lose muscle and strength. Over time, it becomes harder to do your usual activities and you risk losing your independence.
What is Band Together?
It is a progressive strength training program that uses resistance bands. It is led by a trained volunteer, typically a member of a church.
What does “progressive” mean?
When you can do 3 sets of 15 repetitions with no problem, you will advance to the next thicker band. There are 6 different levels of bands.
What does it cost?
It is supported by voluntary contributions only. The bands are inexpensive, the trainers are volunteers and the space is typically donated.
How often does it meet and for how long?
Twice weekly for about 35 minutes. That is all you need to build strength.
What are the exercises like?
There are 6 exercises: pushing forward, pushing upward, standing up, standing on your toes, curling your arm and pulling toward your body.
What, no music?
Between “sets” there is a 60 second break, where people typically talk. Band Together is social, and it’s hard to have a conversation when the music is loud.
How long does it last?
It is not designed to end. It’s designed to be a group of people who get together to build some strength and socialize. Some exercise groups stay together for years.
Who is it for?
It is best for people over 50, many of whom notice difficulty doing things that used to be easy, walking several blocks, climbing stairs and lifting or pushing objects.
Who is this not for?
People who have shoulder or knee pains that limit their ability to do the exercises, are allergic to latex, weigh over 300 pounds or cannot stand up and down safely.
Is it safe for me?
If you are over 70 or have certain health conditions, you need to have your doctor sign permission, as Band Together locations are not equipped for high-risk exercisers.
Weekly Schedule
Monday and Wednesday 9:30am to 10:15am
Enter through the social hall entrance at the back of the church.